Lin Jiang

Office Address:
Neuroscience Research Building, Room 475B
635 Charles E Young Drive South
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Member, Biochemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology GPB Home Area, Brain Research Institute, Molecular Biology Institute
Assistant Professor In-Residence, Neurology

Jiang lab focuses on computational structural biology and drug design for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's disease and other degenerative disorders. Current research is driven by two key questions: How do unfolded or misfolded proteins self-associate into abnormal aggregates? How do these aggregates propagate and lead to disease? Ongoing research is to develop new thereupetic approach for neurodegenerative and other brain diseases, which includes: 1) design allosteric BACE inhibitor that specifically blocks the APP cleavage and Abeta production; 2) design protein inhibitor that blocks the prion-like transmission of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases; 3) design and test new protein that crosses the blood-brain barrier via carrier-mediated transport. The findings of the research will identify new drug targets, develop new therapeutics and design new therapeutic compounds or peptides for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. All of these will strengthen our ability of designing biological systems with desired properties, provide an alternative perspective for us to ultimately understand our living world, and promise solutions to some of the most pressing problems in human health.

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