David Wayne Dawson, M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory Address:
Factor 8-240

Mailing Address:
Dept. of Pathology
Mail Code 173216
10833 LeConte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Office Address:
Factor 8-240J
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Associate Director, UCLA-Caltech Medical Scientist Training Program
Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Member, Cell & Developmental Biology GPB Home Area, Immunity, Microbes & Molecular Pathogenesis GPB Home Area, JCCC Signal Transduction and Therapeutics Program Area, Molecular Pharmacology GPB Home Area
Faculty, Cellular and Molecular Pathology PhD Program
Research Interests
Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive and lethal cancer due to its typically advanced stage at initial diagnosis, poor response to chemotherapy and propensity to recur and metastasize. My research addresses the role of growth signaling pathways and transcriptional networks in pancreatic carcinogenesis. We are also addressing the intersecting roles of epigenetics and growth signaling pathways in the evolution of pancreatic cancer. Finally, we are exploring novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets of potential clinical utility in pancreatic cancer

David Dawson is a cell and molecular biologist and practicing surgical pathologist who has served on the UCLA School of Medicine faculty since 2006 when he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Dr. Dawson earned his B.S. in Zoology at Duke University. He earned his M.D. and Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Genetics at Northwestern University, where he worked on angiogenesis. Dr. Dawson completed his residency training in Anatomic Pathology and subspecialty fellowship in gastrointestinal pathology in the Department of Pathology at UCLA. From 2002 to 2006 he was a combined clinical instructor in surgical pathology and postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Pathology at UCLA, where he worked on epigenetics and lymphomagenesis. Dr. Dawson's research currently involves basic and translational research on pancreatic tumorigenesis.

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